The website is finally up and running again after a long break and it’s looking better than ever. It took longer than expected but good things come to those who wait. If you encounter any problems or weird behaviour, please let me know.
than you very much for your feedback, I already corrected the link you mentioned. As for 2019 versions, I’ll look into it. Autodesk seems to be releasing new versions faster than I can compile new versions : )
01 Mar 2019 - 10:05 pmStepan, just found your site.
Awesome portfolio! awesome plugins and descriptions!
You are cool =)
Stepan Jirka
01 Mar 2019 - 10:09 pmThank you, Konstantin!
01 Mar 2019 - 7:31 pmHi Stepan
Congrats on the new website. One thing I noticed is the image for stitch node in the download page pointed to material picker.
Since you finished the new website, are there any plan on update plugins for Maya 2019?
Thank you.
Stepan Jirka
01 Mar 2019 - 8:15 pmHi Nuntavit,
than you very much for your feedback, I already corrected the link you mentioned. As for 2019 versions, I’ll look into it. Autodesk seems to be releasing new versions faster than I can compile new versions : )